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certified users



Ann Racz

Malmö Stad

Certifierad i Introduktionen, Nulägesanalys, Personlig dialektik och LT

Anna Ferneman

Progressive Development - By Anna Ferneman

Certified in the Introduction, Situation Analysis and Personal Dialectic.

Anneli Dahlqvist

Bona Folkhögskola

Certified in the Introduction, Situation Analysis and Personal Dialectic.

Anneli Dahlqvist

Bona Folkhögskola

Certified in the Introduction, Situation Analysis and Personal Dialectic.

Camilla Knekta

Camilla Knekta Utvecklingskultur

Certified in the Introduction, Situation Analysis and Personal Dialectic.

Camilla Wiberg

Camilla Wiberg AB

Certified in the Introduction, Situation Analysis and Personal Dialectic.

Cecilia Johnson

Beech Tree AB

Certified in the Introduction, Situation Analysis and Personal Dialectic.

Cecilia Werme Jaråker

Cecilia Werme Jaråker AB

Certified in the Introduction, Situation Analysis and Personal Dialectic.

Charlotte Schenholm

Willingness Leadership

Certified in the Introduction, Situation Analysis and Personal Dialectic.

Christina Kumlin

ONE Leadership Sweden

Certified in the Introduction, Situation Analysis and Personal Dialectic.

Eva Bjernudd

Korpen Svenska Motionsförbundet

Certified in the Introduction, Situation Analysis and Personal Dialectic.

Eva P Svensson

EPS Human Invest AB

Certified in the Introduction, Situation Analysis and Personal Dialectic.

Eva Söderlind

Doppia AB

Certified in the Introduction, Situation Analysis and Personal Dialectic.

Janeth Augustsson

Malmö Stad

Certified in the Introduction, Situation Analysis and Personal Dialectic.

Jessica Svensson

Retail Group

Certified in the Introduction.

Jonas Magnusson

Enablement AB

Certified in the Introduction, Situation Analysis and Personal Dialectic.

Josefine Berglund

Frontit AB

Certified in the Introduction.

Karina Paulsson

Karina Paulsson AB

Certified in the Introduction, Situation Analysis and Personal Dialectic.

Karsten Olofsson


Certified in the Introduction, Situation Analysis and Personal Dialectic.

Kerstin Lindfors

Frontit AB

Certified in the Introduction, Situation Analysis and Personal Dialectic.

Kia Ekedahl

Golvkedjan AB

Certified in Introduction, Situation Analysis, Personal Dialectic and LT

Lars Olsson

Weaver AB

Certified in Introduction, Situation Analysis, Personal Dialectic and LT

Lena Sobel

Sobel Utveckling AB

Certified in the Introduction, Situation Analysis and Personal Dialectic.

Madeleine Pettersson

Malmö Stad

Certified in the Introduction, Situation Analysis and Personal Dialectic.

Maria Yregård

Frontit AB

Certified in the Introduction.

Mia Petré-Lennerman

Mp3 Consulting AB

Certified in the Introduction, Situation Analysis and Personal Dialectic.

Michaela Wahlberg

Frontit AB

Certified in the Introduction.

Nicklas Eriksson

Frontit AB

Certified in the Introduction.

Olle Tullstedt

Olle Tullstedt Konsult AB

Certified in the Introduction, Situation Analysis and Personal Dialectic.

Pelle Hanson

Brandgul AB

Certified in Introduction, Situation Analysis, Personal Dialectic and LT

Sabina Berger

Orkla Health

Certified in the Introduction.

Susanne Streer

Lund Kommun

Certified in the Introduction, Situation Analysis and Personal Dialectic.

Soren Holm

Mastercoach Sweden

Certified in the Introduction, Situation Analysis and Personal Dialectic.

Åsa Rickardsson

Frontit AB

Certified in the Introduction.

Dr. Angelika Schrand


Certified in the Introduction, Situational Analysis

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